Sunday, 13 December 2009

Heartbreaking [A letter to a 'lost' friend]
I have a friend whom I met in Primary school. Before we parted our separate ways, we used to be good friends. After that, we didn't keep in touch.


After 3 years of not seeing her, I obviously might be curious of how she is now. Despite the fact we "lost" touch years already.

I went to her blog and I saw, I saw a lot of pain.

It really breaks my heart reading her blog. I guess 3 years can really effect people in a lot of different ways. It's really heartbreaking.

To: (If you know I'm talking about you)

I don't know what your life problem is. Really. Seeing you in such a state, honestly saddens me. Because I can't really do much to help you. I really want to rescue you.

What happened? I don't understand how you could change so much.

Please don't misunderstand. I am respecting you by concealing your very identity. I am shocked. Speechless, I would put it. Why???

You are so young. Why do you feel that life is so meaningless? I may not understand everything. But. Don't you want to have fulfillment? Don't you have ambitions or dreams that can/ could take you beyond what you can/ could even comprehend?

Life may not mean happiness 24/7. I know you know that. Life is a journey. It is when we fall that we learn to rise up. It is when we taste the cup of bitterness and pain that we learn not to repeat the same mistakes. Life ISN'T meaningless. It is whether you have the guts to face this harshness of reality and dare yourself to do greater things.

Friend, the world has beaten us all with cruelty. Your OWN life is in your very hands. DON'T let it slip away. DON'T let yourself defeat yourself. Because THAT'S the ONLY thing in this world preventing you to change your future.

Honest, absolute truth: NO ONE will dive in to rescue you. IF you first don't even want to try or let people rescue you.

Being diagnosed with psychological illness, DOESN'T mean you can't overcome.

'When there's a will, there's a way'. Take out you willpower and start fighting. Don't let your life rot in the shelves by resorting to 'alco or cigs'. YOU are worth more than that. I know you can. Because hey, who's ever near perfection? Though I may "no longer" know you, but, I don't want you to treat yourself this way.

Make a stand. To me, psychological illness is just "an illusion". Fight it. Be deaf to the world or friends when they offer up negativism. The girl I used to know may not be the same exact girl now. But, the old girl with her innocence is still there.


GO Make A Difference

In your life. In your family. In everything.

Your friend,

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